How The People Around You Can Influence Your Success Choreographer and Dancer CJ Nacorda speaks about his inspiration for perusing a dance career. Even growing up from a family of artistic individuals, CJ was not privileged enough to attend classes. CJ speaks about how he developed his maturity level, the crowds he once affiliated with, […]
Can My Passion Turn Into a Career?
Can My Passion Turn Into a Career? Choreographer and Dancer CJ Nacorda shares why he pursued a career in the dance industry. Understand how happy the art made CJ, he was motived to see how far it would take him. We learn from CJ the professional aspect of working with others in the industry, and […]
What Are The Challenges For a Low-Budget Activist or Candidate?
What Are The Challenges For a Low-Budget Activist or Candidate? Teacher and Activist Ankur Patel shares his experience in getting on a ballot for elections and running for school board. Getting on the ballot consists of many tasks, such as paperwork, and obtaining signatures from registered voters. Ankur explains his strategy in collecting these signatures […]
One Way To Confirm You Are Truly Living Life
One Way To Confirm You Are Truly Living Life Soul connection specialist Melissa Hunter speaks about equality amongst different races. She makes references to the interaction of children, and how they discriminate only after being taught by adults. Melissa believes that when we look around and see beauty in everything, we are truly living life. […]
Why You Shouldn’t Lean on Your Own Understanding
Why you shouldn’t lean on your own understanding Fatima Elswify, motivational speaker, says that her favorite quote is actually Proverbs 3:5-6. “Trust in the Lord with all of your heart; and lean not unto your own understanding. In all ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct your path” With the knowledge of this scripture she […]
Why One Woman Created Her Own Gang
Why One Woman Created Her Own Gang Soul connection specialist Melissa “Mojo” Hunter explains the level of creativity that is necessary to get out of an unfortunate situation. Coming from a bad neighborhood, she resorted to her own gang sign to avoid getting in physical altercations with other girls at school. The moral of this […]
What Is The Meaning of Life?
What Is The Meaning of Life? Fatima Elswify, motivational speaker, discusses the mindset of looking at challenges as growing points. She feels that challenges are for the greater good of something. When asked if she feels that happiness is more important than structure, she responded that life is all about balance and finding what’s most […]
What Characteristics Aid in a Successful Acting Career?
What characteristics aid in a successful acting career? Actor Kareem Ferguson shares the characteristic that best aids in his success. Although embarrassed to admit it, Kareem contributes his success to his kindness. This has been a trait that has helped him greatly, and attracts others to being around him. Join Mailing List: Social Media: Facebook: […]
How Removing Ourselves From Situations Can Be Beneficial
How Removing Ourselves From Situations Can Be Beneficial Actor Kareem Ferguson shares his final words of advice. We are encouraged to do our best in terms of valuing others, and attempt to understand what has potentially turned someone bitter. Kareem urges us not to make these matters personal, but never accept abuse. We can create […]
Why Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Provoked a Want for Family Life
Why Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Provoked a Want for Family Life Why Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Provoked a Want for Family Life: Don Hale Jr., Film Producer thinks back on what inspired him to get into the film industry at a young age. He tells us that with his parents not being home much he spent […]